
Watch the video to answer the questions later

Self-Assertiveness Practices

Remember that your Choices Matter!

When I line up to buy something from the school canteen, and I find a student who goes beyond me and wanting to take my turn, I:

Keep Going, You're Doing Great!

If I and my classmates went to the school library to borrow a book, and I noticed that one of the other students has overtaken me and asked for the book even though I was there before him/her, I would:

Moving Along - Next Scenario!

If a student harasses me at school, I:

Almost There, One More to Go!

If I am in class and there are two students next to me who are talking so loudly that they are affecting my concentration in the lesson, I:

You're almost done.

If I am asked to express my opinion on a particular issue at home or school and I refuse to do so, I will:

Reflection Question (Optional)

Have you ever experienced a situation similar to the one shown in the video? How did you act therein?

Record your audio answer

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We hope this has been an enjoyable experience.We invite you to join us through your school.

Proactive Interactive Learning
Questions and answer choices:
This test assessment measures knowledge of appropriate behavior that expresses the skills of (Self Assertiveness).
The main question:
What practices does the child carry out that indicate self-assertiveness?
After watching the video, the student is expected to :
  • The child expresses his opinion clearly and at the right time
  • The child shows positive behaviors that express self-assertiveness and self-confidence
  • The child shows confidence in himself and his decisions

Building a Healthier
and Wiser MENA

Revolutionizing lifelong learning in the
region and shaping a generation ready to
make a positive impact on the world.

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What is AnaAkhtar

Social, Emotional, and Behavior
Development (SEB)


Innovating education with region-specific tools and insights.


Empowering students with holistic lifelong growth.


Easing parental guidance with transparent, tailored progress views.

Beyond the classroom: data-driven
student development.



A Proactive and Interactive Approach to Lifelong Learning


Video Modeling

Questioning the Nature of the Videos Q&A Interaction Model



Surveying Student Perceptions of the Learning Environment

What will Omar learn

Self Assertiveness

Self-Assertive Practices

The child shows positive behaviors that express
self- assertiveness and self-confidence


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